
Required Framework Version

In order to run Cake.Recipe on a Posix machine (i.e. Mac or Linux) it is necessary to have, as a minimum, mono 5.16.x. If you will be building .NET Core project, Cake.Recipe will automatically use .NET Core editions of tools when possible. In these cases there is a requirement of having .NET Core 3.1 installed.

To install the necessary requirements when running on Mac OSX, you can use homebrew with the following command:

brew cask install mono-mdk

For installing .NET Core on OSX, please see the Microsoft documentation

Most Ubuntu Versions do not have required mono version available in the official repositories.

Please follow the Mono documentation on how to install the latest mono version.

Then call apt with the following command to install the necessary requirements:

apt-get install mono-complete ca-certificates-mono

NOTE: The ca-certificates-mono package may be omitted on modern Ubuntu versions.

To install .NET Core on Ubuntu, please follow the Microsoft documentation for how to add the necessary repository.

After adding the repository, run the following command to install .NET Core.

apt-get install dotnet-runtime-3.1 dotnet-sdk-3.1

NOTE: Optionally you may also install the dotnet-sdk-2.1 package.

To install the necessary requirements for Arch Linux and Manjaro, run the following command:

pacman -S mono

To install .NET Core on Arch Linux, you can install the 3.1 version with the following command

pacman -S dotnet-runtime dotnet-sdk

NOTE: .NET Core sdk 2.1 is available in AUR under the name dotnet-sdk-2.1.

Required Cake Version

As a minimum, it is recommended that Cake.Recipe should be used in conjunction with the following versions of Cake:

Cake.Recipe Version Cake Version
1.x 0.32.0
2.x 0.38.4
3.x 1.3.0