Cake.Recipe makes use of a number of different tools, for example InspectCode, MSBuild, OpenCover, etc. While Cake.Recipe attempts to provide sensible defaults for all of these tools, there are times when it is necessary to override these for specific project requirements.
This can be done by calling the SetToolSettings
As an example, you could override some tool settings using the following:
ToolSettings.SetToolSettings(context: Context,
BuildParameters.RootDirectoryPath + "/Source/Cake.Example.Tests/*.cs",
BuildParameters.RootDirectoryPath + "/Source/Cake.Example/**/*.AssemblyInfo.cs" },
testCoverageFilter: "+[*]* -[xunit.*]* -[Cake.Core]* -[Cake.Testing]* -[*.Tests]* ",
testCoverageExcludeByAttribute: "*.ExcludeFromCodeCoverage*",
testCoverageExcludeByFile: "*/*Designer.cs;*/*.g.cs;*/*.g.i.cs");
Default Tool Setting Parameters
The SetToolSettings
method uses the concept of optional parameters, in fact, all but one of the parameters to the SetToolSettings
method are optional. To override a specific tool setting, you need to use a named parameter. The following is a list of all the named parameters that can be used on the method.
This is used in conjunction with both OpenCover and Coverlet. It controls which assemblies/namespaces should be included within the Unit Test coverage.
Type: string
Default Value:
string.Format("+[{0}*]* -[*.Tests]*", BuildParameters.Title)
This is used in conjunction with both OpenCover and Coverlet. It controls which test should be excluded from coverage based on what attributes are assigned to the tests.
Type: string
Default Value:
This is used in conjunction with both OpenCover and Coverlet. It controls which tests should be excluded based on file name.
Type: string
Default Value:
This is passed into the execution of MSBuild when doing a full .Net Framework build.
Type: PlatformTarget?
Default Value:
This is passed into the execution of MSBuild when doing a full .Net Framework build.
Type: MSBuildToolVersion
Default Value:
This is passed into the execution of MSBuild when doing a full .Net Framework build.
Type: int?
Default Value: 0
This is passed into the execution of any .Net Core build operation.
Type: DirectoryPath
Depending on what sort of build Cake.Recipe is executing, the default value changes.
If BuildParameters.ShouldUseTargetFrameworkPath
is true, and the targetFrameworkPathOverride
is null, and it is a .Net Core build, then the default value is:
var path = context.Tools.Resolve("mono").GetDirectory();
path = path.Combine("../lib/mono/4.5");
TargetFrameworkPathOverride = path.FullPath + "/"
If BuildParameters.ShouldUseTargetFrameworkPath
is true, and the targetFrameworkPathOverride
is null, and it is NOT a .Net Core build, then the default value is:
TargetFrameworkPathOverride = new FilePath(typeof(object).Assembly.Location).GetDirectory().FullPath + "/"
If a value for targetFrameworkPathOverride
is provided, then the default value is simply the FullPath of this DirectoryPath.
TargetFrameworkPathOverride = targetFrameworkPathOverride?.FullPath;
This is used to tell NuGet to ignore issues with trying to push package versions when the version already exist upstream, instead of failing the build.
Type: bool
Default Value: false