SvnRemoteSettings Class


Base setting class for operations accessing a remote subversion repository.
Base Types
Derived Types
graph TD Base0["SvnSettings"]-->Type click Base0 "/Cake.Svn/api/Cake.Svn/SvnSettings" Base1["object"]-->Base0 Type["SvnRemoteSettings"] class Type type-node Type-->Derived0["SvnInfoSettings"] click Derived0 "/Cake.Svn/api/Cake.Svn.Info/SvnInfoSettings" Type-->Derived1["SvnExportSettings"] click Derived1 "/Cake.Svn/api/Cake.Svn.Export/SvnExportSettings" Type-->Derived2["SvnCheckoutSettings"] click Derived2 "/Cake.Svn/api/Cake.Svn.Checkout/SvnCheckoutSettings"


public abstract class SvnRemoteSettings : SvnSettings


Name Value Summary
Credentials SvnCredentials
Gets or sets the credentials to use for accessing the repository.
Insecure bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether insecure SSL certificates should be ignored or not.
ThrowOnCancel bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the call must throw an error if the operation is canceled. Defaults to true.
Inherited from SvnSettings
ThrowOnError bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the call must throw an error if an error occurs. Defaults to true.
Inherited from SvnSettings
ThrowOnWarning bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the call must throw an error if a non fatal error occurs. Defaults to false.
Inherited from SvnSettings