
New Release - 0.1.0

27 April 2017

New ownership of Cake.MSBuildTask

We (the Cake Team) recently learned that the original creator of the Cake.MSBuildTask addin (which was one of the first Cake Addins), tragically died. With the help of GitHub and NuGet, we have taken the source code for the addin and moved it into the Cake Contrib Organisation, as well as been made a co-owner of the package on This means that we will be able to continue to support this addin.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mark's family.

This release, 0.1.0, of Cake.MSBuildTask doesn't change any of the existing functionality, it basically brings it up to date, and adds in Cake.Recipe to the build process so that there is consistency with the other repositories within the Cake Contrib organisation.

The original repository is still in place, and can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to reach out in the Gitter Channel if you have any issues using this addin.
