
Getting Started

This addin is supported on Windows only!

Including the addin

At the top of your script, just add the following to install the addin:

#addin nuget:?package=Cake.EventLog


The addin exposes a number of top-level aliases, generally with one simple string-only overload, and another that accepts arbitrary settings.

You can see the full details of each alias and it's arguments from the Reference tab above.

The general pattern is for simple messages:

WriteToEventLog("Simple Message");

or for more complex scenarios:

WriteToEventLog("Complex message", s => {

Note that this also applies for the utility methods:

EnsureLogExists(s => s.LogTo("Application"));


Log settings are generally included as an Action object, so you can use the familiar lambda syntax from the MSBuild etc aliases. So a more complex example might be:

WriteToEventLog("Event logging from Cake script", s => {
             .WithSourceName("Cake Build")

The EventLogSettings settings class has full documentation full documentation as well as extension methods for complete control with the fluent API.


See permissions.


Since Mono does not currently support the System.Diagnostics.EventLog types, this addin is compatible with Windows only. Note that we will throw a NotSupportedException exception if not running on Windows, so it is recommended to use WithCriteria on any event logging tasks:

.Does(() => {
    // your build code here